Tuesday, July 22, 2008


This is our very first post as a Den. We are excited about being able to share with friends and family the things we are doing in Cub Scouts. Also, we hope to keep all updated for future meetings, activities, and upcoming events.

We had quite the adventure at Camp Fife last Thursday. The boys passed off three activity pins and three belt loops. It was a lot of fun.

The camp theme this year was "Pirates of the Bear River"

They had the opportunity to learn about forestry by trying to build a pyramid of the forest floor. We learned that if the forest floor was unstable it affected the rest of the forest.

We learned about rocks and trees...

And more rocks...

And more trees...

We played with bows and arrows...

We had flying lessons...

And how to climb mountains...

At the end of the day, we bid farewell to the Pirates of the Bear River